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发布日期:2024-09-25 02:49  浏览次数:

本文摘要:Apple is to launch two new research and development (RD) facilities in China, aiming to expand its presence in this burgeoning consumer market and facilitate closer working relationships with some of the world’s leading consumer electronics and hardware manufacturers. 苹果(Apple)将在中国成立两个研发机构,目的不断扩大其在这个蓬勃发展的消费市场的影响力,并推展其与一些世界领先的消费电子和硬件制造商创建更加密切的工作关系。

Apple is to launch two new research and development (RD) facilities in China, aiming to expand its presence in this burgeoning consumer market and facilitate closer working relationships with some of the world’s leading consumer electronics and hardware manufacturers. 苹果(Apple)将在中国成立两个研发机构,目的不断扩大其在这个蓬勃发展的消费市场的影响力,并推展其与一些世界领先的消费电子和硬件制造商创建更加密切的工作关系。Whether this investment will reverse the trend of falling revenues, however, remains to be seen.然而,对于这一投资能否反败为胜苹果收益下降的趋势,还有待仔细观察。In September, it was revealed that Apple is planning to open a $45m research centre in Beijing, employing 500 people tasked with the development of innovative hardware. 今年9月,苹果宣告计划在北京成立一个投资4500万美元的研发中心并雇用500名员工,负责管理研发创意硬件。One month later, it was announced that a further RD facility will go ahead in Shenzhen, Guangdong, an area often described as China’s ‘Silicon Valley’.一个月后,苹果宣告将在有中国硅谷之称之为的广东省深圳市成立第二个研发机构。

While locating in Beijing is a somewhat surprising decision, due to its distance from the main development hubs, Shenzhen is a more predictable choice and much closer to tech companies such as Huawei, Tencent and Baidu. 考虑到北京与主要的研发中心距离很远,苹果研发中心选址北京有些令人吃惊,深圳则是一个更加可预测的自由选择,这里距离华为(Huawei)、腾讯(Tencent)和百度(Baidu)也将近得多。The company has not yet announced how many employees will be based at the Shenzhen facility.苹果还并未宣告将有多少名员工在深圳研发中心工作。Despite some uncertainty about employee numbers, the scale of Apple’s RD investment in China is unlikely to challenge its Chinese competitors significantly. 尽管员工人数还不存在一些不确定性,但苹果在中国的研发投资不太可能在规模上对其中国竞争对手包含根本性挑战。

According to data sourced from the Market Research Centre SINO for the first half of 2016, two of Apple’s main competitors – Huawei and OPPO – both saw sales volumes increase over this period.根据赛诺市场研究(Sino Market Research)的数据,苹果的两大竞争对手——华为和OPPO在2016年上半年销售量都下降了。Vivo, another Chinese multinational smartphone company, also generated sales revenues similar to those of Apple in the first half of the year. 另一家中国跨国智能手机企业VIVO在今年上半年的销售收入也可以与苹果媲美。Bearing in mind that Huawei Mobile has more than 20,000 RD engineers at its headquarters in Shenzhen, and Vivo has around 4,000, it is clear that Apple’s investment is unlikely to cause many ripples.鉴于华为的移动业务在其深圳总部雇用了逾2万名研发工程师,VIVO也雇用了大约4000名研发工程师,似乎苹果的投资不太可能引起多少涟漪。

One of the main reasons for Apple’s RD investment is probably diplomacy. 苹果在中国展开研发投资的主要原因之一很有可能是外交。The Chinese government is keen to foster home-grown innovation and while Western businesses are welcome, particularly where they bring significant knowledge and expertise, they also need to invest to secure their position in the marketplace.中国政府热衷希望本土创意,尽管西方企业受到青睐,特别是在是在它们带给最重要科学知识和专业诀窍的领域,但它们也必须展开投资来保证自己的市场地位。

Apple may also have some making up to do with the Chinese government, following the media regulator’s decision to order the closure of its iBooks and iTunes stores earlier this year.苹果有可能也必须修缮与中国政府的关系,此前中国的媒体监管机构在今年早些时候作出要求,责令苹果重开iTunes影片和iBooks商店服务。Apple’s RD investment in China is not just about offsets, however. 然而,苹果在中国的研发投资某种程度是为了修缮关系。With sales in China falling away year-on-year the only route to growth is to collaborate and work more closely with manufacturing partners; drawing on the fast-developing resource of RD talent in the territory. 随着苹果在中国的销售同比上升,唯一的快速增长之道是与制造业伙伴更加密切地协商合作;利用本地快速增长的研发人才资源。

The sheer force of competition developing in China’s consumer electronics sector makes investment in the area essential, not to mention the opportunity it presents to tap into local talent.中国消费电子行业日趋激烈的竞争让投资该领域显得不可或缺,更加不用说道利用当地人才带给的机遇。This is another area where Apple will need to compete aggressively. 这是苹果必须大力竞争的另一个领域。To attract the best people, it will need to offer good salaries and incentives. 为了更有最杰出的人才,苹果必须获取优渥的薪资和奖励。Market surveys have shown that large domestic companies such as Huawei and Alibaba are the employers of choice for graduates. 市场调查指出,华为和阿里巴巴(Alibaba)等大型国内企业是毕业生的选用雇员。

While Western companies are known to provide stable employment on reasonable terms, prospects for career development are perceived to be more limited. 尽管西方企业在以合理条件获取平稳低收入方面名声不俗,但这些企业的职业发展前景被指出更为受限。Apple will need to counter such perceptions to succeed in attracting engineering graduates to its new RD facilities.苹果必须对付这种理解,这样才能顺利地更有工程专业毕业生到该公司的新研发机构就任。For one of the world’s most valuable brand names, increasing its operational presence in China could pose cultural and reputational issues, which will need to be managed carefully. 作为世界上最有价值的品牌之一,激增在中国的业务活动可能会带给文化和声誉方面的问题,这些问题必须慎重管理。

The leading Chinese tech companies have a well-established, long-hours culture, which is unlikely to gel with an ethos that promotes work-life balance.中国国内主要科技公司都有根深蒂固的加班费文化,不太可能与尊崇工作/生活均衡的价值观融合。Apple’s decision to make these RD investments in China is recognition of the importance of the Chinese marketplace and the wealth of talent that is emerging from its rapidly-growing consumer electronics sector. 苹果要求在中国展开这些研发投资,指出苹果认识到中国市场很最重要,而且中国较慢发展的消费电子业辈出非常丰富的人才资源。Whether it will be enough to address sliding sales and position the brand for market growth is uncertain, but the company will be hoping it sparks a new era of global cooperation and innovation.尚能不确认这否不足以应付苹果的销售下降,并使苹果品牌以定坐落于市场快速增长,但该公司将不会期望此举打开一个全球合作和创意的新时代。










